"Оториноларингология-хирургия головы и шеи" Азербайджанская Центральная Дорожная больница, Баку - [Наш адрес: AZ1117, Баку, 5025 квартал; телефон: (+994 12) 406 95 83]
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At the patient (50 old-years) with chronic otomastoiditis (with cholesteatoma) on CT in middle ear, mastoid air cell, sinus of external attic and subtube a sine presence of pathological substrate is revealed. Presence shaped cysts-submersible cholesteatoma in middle ear, attic and temporal pyramids is suspected. It is made attico-aditotomy and myringoplasty on U.Fisch with retroauricular-endomeatal the approach.

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