"Оториноларингология-хирургия головы и шеи" Азербайджанская Центральная Дорожная больница, Баку - [Наш адрес: AZ1117, Баку, 5025 квартал; телефон: (+994 12) 406 95 83]
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Rzayev R.M. Retraction Pocket of the Tympanic Membrane. A 31-year-old woman, at otomicroscopic examination on the right, presence marginal perforation of the tympanic membrane, located in posterior-superior quadrant presence including also retraction pocket is ascertained. At research of the last, the direction pocket floor in attic is defined. CT Scan of the Temporal Bones, retraction presence "pars flaccida" of the tympanic membrane on the right with signs the thinning of contours of lateral attic wall was expose. According to an audiometry it is ascertained slightly expressed conductive a hearing loss on the right. Considering rather adverse situation bound to high risk of development middle ear retraction pocket cholesteatoma, at the given pathology, "the closed" variant of operation on - an atticotomy with a myringoplasty, carried out retroauricular-intrmeatal approach is made.

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