"Оториноларингология-хирургия головы и шеи" Азербайджанская Центральная Дорожная больница, Баку - [Наш адрес: AZ1117, Баку, 5025 квартал; телефон: (+994 12) 406 95 83]
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In the right ear of a 24-year-old woman has appeared a pulsating noise about 1,5 years ago, which was caused by acute inflammatory respiratory disease. After treatment, along with strengthening of ear noise, appeared hearing loss as well. With the diagnosis of "epitympanic retraction cholesteatoma with involving the retrotympanic space" the patient carried out endoscopic transcanal approach – removal of extensive epitympanic cholesteatoma with subsequent tympano - and ossiculopasty.

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