"Оториноларингология-хирургия головы и шеи" Азербайджанская Центральная Дорожная больница, Баку - [Наш адрес: AZ1117, Баку, 5025 квартал; телефон: (+994 12) 406 95 83]
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Mucocele, formed in postoperative cavity – on lateral part of the medial zone of the facial skeleton and in skull base region, 20 years after removal (by infratemporal fossa approach) of jna with intracranial (parasellar) extension. Endoscopic Endonasal Cutting of Mucocele – Wide Stoma Formation of the Postoperative Cavity.




A Clinical Case of a Neotympanic Membrane Lateralization, Developing after Functional Reconstruction Approach of the Left Ear (in 2009) in Combination with Acquired Mesotympaniс Cholesteatoma and Tympanosclerosis. Planning Approach. • Left-side endoscopic transcanal exploratory tympanotomy; • Surgical sanitation of the tympanic cavity – removal of cholesteatoma; • Ossiculoplasty with neotympanic membrane reconstruction

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